Organic Sunchokes 1# (Jerusalem Artichoke)

These "Jerusalem Artichokes" are neither from Jerusalem, nor are they even artichokes. Jerusalem Artichokes, more accurately known as "Sunchokes," are a starchy tuber found underneath a sunflower-family plant native to North America. If you like different and creative, these are for you. They are different than anything you've ever eaten, and will take creativity to prepare. Prepared properly, they have a unique crunchy and nutty-sweet flavor. Store in your fridge in a paper or plastic bag for several weeks. A couple simple recipes include: thinly sliced and roasted in oil+spices, or cut up raw in salad, and if you need more ideas: try Google... Sunchokes have been known to cause gassiness and flatulence, especially when eaten raw, so eat at your own risk. All jokes aside, Sunchokes have been eaten from wild and cultivated-harvest for a very long time in our bioregion, and deserve more use and recognition.